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420 Watchers192 Deviations


2 min read
Far past time for a new journal, eh?

Going to be brief. Some amazing things happening in my life, and my art. Won't go into details for assorted reasons, but the long and short of it is that I had to sit down and sort out which projects really matter to me, and which ones I had to let go--because life's too short to have time for everything. So, here's the run-down:

MY FICS: discontinued.  All of them.  I know some authors like to get fancy and call it an "indefinite hiatus," but let me not kid myself. I'm very happy with what I managed to finish, and I'll always consider my time writing fanfiction well-spent. As for the people I'm watching on ff.net, I will of course keep up with y'all and continue reading and reviewing. You guys put out amazing stuff.
If anyone wants to know how ____ ends or has any question at all about one of my stories, send me a note and I'll disclose everything, I promise. I've got... a jillion miles of notes on my computer, no joke.

MY COMICS: Oh gawd, Chimera Quest. It's not dead. It will be slow for a while, though. New OTGF comics will happen when they happen, as well, although it's taking a back seat to...

FLEETING DRAGONS: Definitely not dead. You'll see. You can't kill a Phoenix so easily.

I'll talk about the other thing I'm working on when it's ready. So...  how's everyone doin' this fine year of 2011?
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3 min read
Time to make a proper journal entry before November's out. I hope everyone's holidays are going well!

Creatively speaking: New ideas. Not nervous, but strange anxiety. Can't sleep well. Haven't slept right in months. Can't escape the feeling of not having enough time. Can't talk about new project. Wish I had more room in my life to work on the old ones. Something's gotta give. Hopefully not my grammar.

Going to do one damn cool thing before my time's up, I swear.

I'd talk more about my personal life but, eh... boring, that.

So here's another meme ganked from Nyaasu


[x] You’ve never done illegal drugs.
[x] You have a lot of friends (If the internet counts...)
[x] You get along with everyone
[ ] You haven’t made fun of someone for at least two months (erring on the side of "probably not" even though I can't think of anyone offhand)
[ ] You love soccer
[ ] You love baseball
[x] You’re into writing and art
[x] Favorite music genre is pop rock
[x] You believe in “innocent until proven guilty” theory
[ ] One of your favorite colors is red or gold
[x] Good grades at school
[ ] One of the worst things you can do is lie
[ ] You plan on going to college/university (guh, never again)


[x] You’re content with mostly everything in your life right now.
[x] You laugh a lot.
[ ] You like to follow trends.
[x] Politics suck.
[x] You love to swim
[ ] Water polo is awesome
[ ] Pink is one of your favorite colors
[ ] Black is morbid & depressing
[x] You’re an optimist.
[ ] You’re completely straight edged.
[ ] You’re very emotional
[ ] Rap, R&B, & hip-hop is your favorite music genre
[ ] You don’t believe in going steady at a young age.
[ ] You’ve made fun of at least one person this week.


[x] You’re depressed to a certain extent. (For creative purposes)
[ ] You love to read.
[ ] You appreciate theater & arts.
[x] Sports suck.
[ ] You’re shy.
[ ] Loyalty is the MOST important thing in a relationship.
[x] Hate is completely unneeded.
[ ] Indie is your favorite genre of music.
[ ] Every once in awhile you have little anger outbursts.
[x] Lying is sometimes okay
[x] Blue is one of your favorite colors.
[ ] Serious is better than funny.


[ ] There’s at least one person you hate.
[ ] Basketball is a good sport.
[ ] Football is amazing.
[x] Black is a cool color.
[ ] You’ve lied about something serious.
[ ] You’re a very deep person.
[ ] You have considered suicide.
[ ] Very loyal.
[ ] You like metal.
[x] They make school seem more important than it is.
[x] You’re scared to grow up.
[ ] You’ve done drugs in the past month
[ ] Anger is one of your primary feelings.
[x] You have trust issues. (Does being gullible count?)
[ ] Guilty until proven innocent.

Total: 4
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Brought to you by ANONYMOUS FRIEND: Final Fantasy humor. Oh yeah.


(This is all we do in chat, I swear.)


friend: If we're going 1-10 Rinoa's stats are 4 Crazy 8 Stupid
friend: She has to be at least a little crazy because of her retarded plots, rebelliousness, finger waggling, and dog affinity
friend: Quistis is about 7 Crazy 3 Stupid
friend: Zell, 1 Crazy 8 Stupid
friend: Squall 4 Crazy 2 Stupid
friend: Selphie 9 Crazy 1 Stupid
friend: Irvine 1 Crazy, 3 Stupid
me: Geez that makes Selphie like an aspy or something
friend: She is, man
friend: She flies the Ragnarok like with no training
friend: And who but someone who was spergin would go on about trains so
me: And Seifer?
friend: Game start - 6 Crazy, 5 Stupid
friend: Game end - 9 Crazy, 9 Stupid
me: Also dude, an 8 for Zell? There was at least that part where Squall's like "I should give this guy more credit I guess *SIGH*"
friend: Zell is very stable (despite appearances) but his ideas need some work
friend: His Lunatic Pandora mission was a thing of epic fail
me: But I suppose you're adding points for the one time on-screen he nearly smothered his lungs in hotdogs--implying so many more times that's happened
friend: Yes
friend: And blindly rooting in Squall's groin for many minutes
me: ahahahaha
me: "Never pressed X so fast in my life"
friend: Nah I let it linger for hilarity
friend: As for the others
friend: Raijin 2 Crazy, 9 Stupid
friend: Fujin 8 Crazy, 2 Stupid
friend: Crazy doesn't work as a stat for all the games though
friend: For example in FF9 it would need to be replaced with "Gay"
friend: And in FF10 "Fashion"
me: I demand this fashion list
friend: Okay, the higher it is, the more insane
friend: Yuna - 2 Fashion 4 stupid (Outfit basically normal, black boots add one, stupid enough to be attracted to Tidus)
friend: Auron 4 Fashion 1 Stupid (Rather canny, nice gimp sling, fuckface)
friend: Rikku - 5 Fashion (jailbait slut bicycle shorts) 7 Stupid (DISASTERRIFIC)
friend: Wakka - 6 Fashion (Who the fuck walks around in a sports uniform all the time) 9 Stupid (Come on, do I have to explain this)
me: Ouch that's pretty high--and I only say this because it leaves no room for Tidus to be dumber
friend: Lulu - 7 Fashion (Belt-braced melon-udders) 1 Stupid (Pretty on the ball)
friend: Kimahri - 6 Fashion 7 Stupid (Incoherent Naked Blue Cat man, incompetence as leader canonically proven)
friend: Tidus - 10 Fashion (the fucking nadir) 8 Stupid (I want my journey to be full of stupid)
me: HA HA HA, HA HA *nasally breath* HA HA HA
me: (ugh it hurts even impersonating that laugh)
friend: Dona - 9 Fashion (STRAINING AT THE SEAMS) 6 Stupid (Barthello)
friend: Barthello - 8 Fashion (He looks like a fucking gimp) 8 Stupid
friend: Seymour - 8 Fashion (GET IN MAH BELLEH) 7 Stupid (Note backstory)
friend: That's all the ones I remember
guy: Oh wait
guy: JECHT
friend: Jecht - 9 Fashion 7 Stupid 10 Drunk
friend: And now on the FF9
friend: our stats are FLAMING and STUPID
friend: Dagger - 1 Flaming, 5 Stupid (GOTTA... CUT OFF... M'HAIR)
friend: Eiko - 3 Flaming (Keeps she-moogle in pants), 7 Stupid (Keeps she-moogle in pants)
friend: Steiner - 6 Flaming (Fucking EYE SHADOW? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS), 7 Stupid
friend: They call me the 8 FLAMING AMARANT (8 Stupid)
friend: Quina - 1 Flaming (totally asexual) 10 Stupid (fuck this beast)
friend: Freya - 2 Flaming (Jaunty Hat) 6 Stupid (Amnesia Boygriend Nonsense)
friend: Zidane - 9 Flaming (Looks like he's had more cocks in him than a henhouse) 6 Stupid (Da trooth hurts)
friend: Kuja - 10 Flaming (Singaylarity) 9 Stupid (He's like Ayn Rand only somehow more murderous)
friend: Beatrix - 3 Flaming (Aggressive lez) 3 Stupid (Brainwashed but otherwise souund)
friend: Vivi - 1 Flaming (Asexual) 4 Stupid (Naive)
friend: and I think that's all of 'em
friend: I'm comfortable with FF7 being Crazy - Stupid by the way
friend: FF9 is the outlier in the PS era
me: lmao
friend: if only i could turn this into a marketable skill
me: If only we could coin "singaylarity"
friend: Cloud - 9 Crazy, 7 Stupid. Tifa - 6 Crazy, 4 Stupid. Barret - 3 Crazy, 8 Stupid. Cid - 4 Crazy, 6 Stupid. Red XIII - 2 Crazy, 2 Stupid. Aeris - 3 Crazy 7 Stupid. Cait Sith - 9 Crazy 8 Stupid. Yuffie - 8 Crazy, 5 Stupid, Vincent - 8 Crazy, 3 Stupid
friend: you know it's true
me: Oh Vincent, why so crazy
me: I guess ubergoth can equate to crazy
friend: Vincent? Why so crazy?
friend: The zogga sleeps in a fucking coffin, case closed
me: (stick a nail in it, this shit closed)
friend: Some may feel that Cait Sith's Crazy/Stupid is too high but let's be honest, any dude whose solution to espionage AND corporate greed is a fucking robot cat is at LEAST 9 Crazy
friend: And don't accuse me of being anti-furry, Red got the highest marks by far there
friend: Although he is slightly crazy because we can't be sure he wasn't gonna hump aeris
friend: Also you could argue the whole hearing voices thing makes Aeris even crazier
friend: Really I'm not sure with the exception of Red that any of the FF7 cast should be less than 5 crazy
friend: Tifa gets such a high rating because when a dude showed up making up entirely false stories about their childhood she was like "Cool bro let's bomb the fuck out of this tower"
me: Well, 10 is Kefka-crazy, and I don't see anyone breaking that
guy: Well, hojo was pretty batshit insane
friend: I mean you start the game as a terrorist and just get nuttier from there
friend: Although given the way Japanese entertainment white-washes shit I'm sure they say the reactor explosions didn't kill anyone
guy: Well, their actions are overshadowed by when Shinra drops 1/8th of the city on itself
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Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday! (And to the power of DevArt reminders, I suppose.) Y'all are cool people.
I had a good time and scored some nice loot from the family. My grandparents took me to Trade Days, which is pretty much an oversized flea market, only more redneck-y since this is Texas. Worth the trip just for the sights and smells.


- A stack of old Disney VHS movies for $1 a pop
- Finding a 2' tall Chewbacca doll next to an ewok doll, next to a full-head rubber Batman mask
- A 15' mountain of old iron-spoked wheels
- A sixty-year-old hardback copy of Robinson Crusoe with a creepy old black-and-white photograph of some anonymous old man for a bookmark
- cow-hide patchwork quilts
- fried boudain balls
- beer bottle trees and coke can Christmas carolers
- a booth that exclusively sold 'diabetic socks'
- a yard full of bleached and decoratively painted steer skulls (some with flames, most with the Texas star and stripes)
- a display full of pencil drawings that doubled as optical illusions with Bible scripture hidden in them
- assorted crosses and Texas-shaped sculptures made of old and rusty license plates welded together
- one of those "Iraq's Most Wanted" playing card decks
- two overweight women speeding across a grassy lot on one of those motorized shopping carts, with a man chasing them shouting, "HEY, DON'T THOSE THINGS HAVE A WEIGHT LIMIT?"

And entire storefronts filled with homemade wooden signs with such classic sayings as:

There was also one a shopkeeper was using: "I may not be watching but the Lord is... You'll pay sooner or later."

I was particularly taken with the custom doormats that read: "OH SHIT NOT YOU AGAIN," but no matter how I pointed, Granny wouldn't let me buy anything with those "ugly words." Alas.
I didn't bring much money anyhow, so all I bought was one of those Disney tapes (Hercules), a little plastic Dallas Cowboys helmet for sis, and some Skittles from a vending machine that melted so much in my hand I could've slapped someone and made them taste the rainbow.
Good day, good day.

Now hmm, I wonder where I can find someone good at painting backgrounds that'll take commissions...
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Bread Hot Dog

1 min read
Not gonna lie; I'm really only posting to show off my new avatar. Boo yeah.
Doesn't hurt to clear off last month's junk, anyhow. Let's see... I guess I could talk about my boring life.

I work nights at the jorb, now, so hurrah! Not even sarcastic, there. Seems a lot of people can't stand working graveyards, but I love the peace, quiet and cool, refreshing darkness.

Stuck on the before-final-dungeon round-up grind of DDS1. Just whooped me a Frost King.
And I'm up to the last season of The Wire. I guess that's the latest scoop on my electronic entertainment.

Fics are still rolling, slowly, like boulders humping moss--LitW, Cheating With GFs and King of Thieves if somebody can kick my ass hard enough. And I promised a moogle bro more CQ. In the meantime, Fleeting Dragons due for November. Maybe December. Hmmmmm.

(At least I'm never bored.)
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Priorities by MiyaYoshi, journal

GRYFFINDOR? by MiyaYoshi, journal

So crazy it's stupid by MiyaYoshi, journal

Beer Bottle Tree by MiyaYoshi, journal

Bread Hot Dog by MiyaYoshi, journal